Diversity and 包容

塔沃实习生 Put Community-Based Learning Into Action


Ten Marist students completed summer internships at nine partner organizations, learning job skills and leaving a lasting impact on the local community.

October 8, 2019—“A life-changing experience.” That’s how Emily 缎 ’20 described her summer as a Tarver Intern, 当然,塔弗暑期实习项目是一次影响深远的学习经历,其影响将持续数年, both by the student interns and by the local community members they serve. 自2014年以来, 共有34名Tarver实习生在哈德逊河流域的15个非营利组织工作, 贡献8,704 hours of service. Tarver alumni have gone on to great success, including Fulbright awards, graduate programs at Columbia and University of Michigan, and careers at Doctors Without Borders.

下面是它的工作原理. Under the direction of Marist’s Center for Civic Engagement and 领导 (CCEL), 来自不同学科的学生在暑假期间可以在当地一家非营利组织进行为期八周的带薪实习. 期望学生将在一个项目中为组织留下一些有形的东西. 作为回报,学生们获得了为未来做准备的现实世界经验. 近年来, six students have received 塔沃实习生hips annually, 但在约翰·本·斯诺基金会的资助下,2019年有10名学生有了这样的经历. 这些学生作为一个群体住在bet亚洲365欢迎投注校区,并与梅丽莎·盖克一起修一门三学分的课程, CCEL导演. 除了, faculty mentors work closely with the students during the course of their internships; this year, Associate Professor of Social Work Daria Hanssen, Associate Professor of Political 科学 Jessica Boscarino, 西班牙语助理教授帕特里夏·费雷尔担任了这一重要的顾问角色.

Tarver Intern Emily 缎

Tarver Intern Emily 缎

缎, a psychology major from Albany, 纽约, 整个夏天都在家庭服务中心的儿童中心帮助孩子们参与积极的活动. 她的项目特别针对有特殊需要的儿童缺乏资源的问题. 萨丹确定了拨款机会,允许家庭服务人员购买感官玩具和设备在儿童中心使用, allowing all kids to benefit from expressive art, 戏剧, 沙疗法. 萨丹称她得到的教师指导和支持是“不可估量的”,并指出她的现场主管为她提供了“洞察力”, 指导, 以及职业建议.” The opportunity to become comfortable in a work setting, challenge herself intellectually, and immerse herself in public issues was enriching. “It provided a real sense of clarity for the future.”

Angelica Radomski ’21, a political science major from Massapequa, 纽约, 她曾在达奇斯县的美国心理健康协会(MHA)工作,称她的经历“不同于我曾经有过的、甚至听过的任何实习”.整个夏天, 她通过为MHA的社交媒体账户创建内容来支持MHA的传播和发展部. She also envisioned and planned a community event called Take 5 Wellness Festival, 这是一个家庭友好的活动,社区成员可以在了解社区服务和资源的同时度过一个精神健康日. She even secured financial and other in-kind resources to make the event possible. 说Radomski, “With the support of faculty from Marist and staff from MHA, 我能够完全走出我的舒适区,承担一个项目,加强我的沟通, 组织, and leadership skills.”

Tarver Intern Hasion Gaston

Tarver Intern Hasion Gaston

哈森·加斯顿,20岁, a 社会 work major from Hartford, 康涅狄格, interned with Marist’s Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP), which provides comprehensive services to meet the academic, 社会, 情感, and career needs of at-risk students. LPP旨在成功地将341名波基普西市学区的学生(5-12年级)转变为毕业生,他们有能力应对大学的严格要求和竞争激烈的劳动力需求. 作为他工作的一部分, 加斯顿为LPP的暑期项目服务的年轻人创建了一系列社会情感讲习班. 他主持了八场研讨会,从价值树到个人对领导力的反思,再到愿景板. Reflecting on his experience, 加斯顿说, “Many words come to mind when I think of my experience as a Tarver Intern. Of them all, insight, exposure, and clarity best describe my journey.”

Tarver Intern Abigail Villafana

Tarver Intern Abigail Villafana

为 Abigail Villafana ’20, a criminal justice and psychology major from Minneapolis, 明尼苏达州, 塔弗实习项目“让她以我无法想象的方式成长.” Working with Nubian 方向, 为年轻人和成年人提供技术培训和其他工作技能, her “Operation Fox Den” project had a lasting impact. 维拉法纳致力于将一个拥挤的存储地下室改造成一个游戏室和休息区,供非营利组织服务的学生使用. Launching a campaign to collect funds and needed items, she raised nearly $600 and several hundred dollars’ worth of furniture and décor. Apart from this project, 维拉法纳特别喜欢她暑期实习的学术方面:“在课堂上, 他们总是鼓励我们深入研究学生感兴趣的话题和概念, which made the experience very personal.”

Tarver Intern Louis Higuera

Tarver Intern Louis Higuera

路易斯·伊格拉,20岁, a political science and philosophy major from Pittsfield, 麻萨诸塞州, 他说他在塔弗的经历“帮助完善了我的职业目标,并为我的学术工作提供了背景。.” Higuera spent the summer at Literacy Connections of the Hudson Valley, 哪家公司为读写困难的成年人和年轻人提供辅导服务. 他的项目最初是针对拉丁裔/西班牙裔学习者的推广活动,后来发展成为一个更大的项目,招募学生和导师,帮助扩大“读写连接”的成人阅读和ESL课程. Higuera帮助合作组织制定了一项计划,为学生和志愿者启动一个推荐项目, 他计划通过实施评估调查和扩大该组织在社交媒体上的存在来继续他的工作.

Melissa Gaeke, CCEL导演

Melissa Gaeke, CCEL导演

Under Gaeke’s direction, CCEL常年致力于培养新一代具有公民意识和服务型的领导者. 根据盖克的说法, “Both Marist faculty and our community partners are crucial to our work, 使我们能够创建以社区为基础的学习班,丰富圣母课程,让学生有机会体验学习. 去年,有32个班级有社区组成部分,而且这个数字还在不断增加.” To further connect students with the nonprofit world, she is planning a Nonprofit Career Conference on October 26, 通过与校友和在该行业工作的其他专业人士会面,哪些项目将帮助学生建立自己的人际网络. 这只是CCEL帮助圣母学院学生在建立非营利渠道的同时探索职业的另一种方式.
